Picture of me as Student
Here is a list of courses I have attended and passed at the present time or want to attend in the future. Courses with a small d as prefix are required to get a bachelor or candidate.

16. quarter SV StrAlg TPL
15. quarter ST VM ATiSA
14. quarter DB2 AiBTaS CWP
13. quarter AiBS DPC SWP
12. quarter dKombSøg dEkspSys ITLNX1 and ITWEM1
11. quarter dOpt dEkspSys ITLNX1 and ITWEM1
10. quarter TI-OOMI dOvs ITKPU1 and I4WIN1
9. quarter ITJEM dOvs ITKPU1 and I4WIN1
8. quarter dSik LinAlg dVidenskab
7. quarter dDist LinAlg MatMod
6. quarter dOpSys dSoftArk IntMatMod
5. quarter dBerLog dConc dDB
4. quarter dADS2 dRegAut dProgSprog
3. quarter dADS1 dWebTek dIntDesign
2. quarter dComNet Calculus 2 dProg2
1. quarter dPersp Calculus 1 dIntProg
Last modified 10. October 2016 foens Dont spam me @cs.au.dk Valid XHTML 1.1 Valid CSS